Dear friends,
Since 1996, the Foundation has continued our work thanks to your loyal support.
In 2025, the Benoît Chamoux Foundation celebrates its twenty-ninth anniversary!
Twenty-nine years serving orphaned Sherpa children who lost their fathers during a Himalayan expedition.
Twenty-nine years to help these young shoots become real professionals, each in their own field.
Twenty-nine years of monitoring, support, and fundraising to help them become well-educated and responsible men and women.
To continue our unique project, we need your support and new strength. We would like two new sponsors to join us in 2025 and for generous existing donors to continue to help our promising young students with higher education scholarships.
Thank you in advance for the valuable help that you can provide to the continued development of the Foundation, a bearer of hope, we ask you to believe in our very friendly thoughts.
Fabienne CLAUSS
* Namaste, widely used in Nepal means “Hello”.